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Eye Disease Treatment

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Millions of patients experience eye diseases and conditions every year, some of which may not display symptoms until they have already inflicted irreversible damage on the patient’s vision. Because outcomes of eye diseases and conditions may vary from temporary discomfort to total vision loss, all eye problems should be taken seriously, and regular eye check-ups are crucial.
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The Causes Of Eye Diseases

The main causes of eye problems can be divided into five groups:

  • Inflammation of the eye and surrounding structures caused by a bacterial, viral, parasitic, or fungal infections

  • Injuries to the eye and surrounding structures, either as a result of trauma or an object in the eye

  • Genetically inherited eye diseases, many of which may only manifest later in life and affect the structures and the functioning of the eye, which can impair visual abilities. In some cases, however, children are born with these conditions

  • Systemic diseases or conditions, such as migraines or diabetes, that affect other organs of the body like the eyes

  • External causes such as allergies, side effects from medications, or eye strain due to overuse

The Symptoms Of Eye Disease

Changes in your vision, changes in your eyes’ appearance, or abnormal sensations and pains in your eyes could all indicate an eye disease. Changes in vision can include the following symptoms:

  • Blurry, hazy, or spotty vision can affect one or both eyes and is the most common vision symptom

  • Nearsightedness, or myopia, is caused by an elongation of the eyeball over time and makes it difficult to clearly see far-away objects

  • Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is caused by the shortening of the eyeball and makes it difficult to clearly see nearby objects

  • Double vision results in a single clear image that appears to repeat itself. Many other symptoms may accompany double vision such as headaches, nausea, a droopy eyelid, and eye misalignment

  • Floaters are specks or strands that appear to float across the field of vision and are a result of the shadows cast by cells inside the clear fluid that fills the eye. Though typically harmless, floaters should be examined as they can indicate more serious problems like retinal detachment

  • Night blindness results in an inability to see clearly in or adapt to the dark, particularly after experiencing a brightly lit environment

  • Impaired depth perception means a person has difficulty distinguishing how far or close an object is to them

  • Vision loss

Changes in the appearance of the eye may include:

  • Redness, swelling, or bloodshot appearance of the eyes

  • Watery and itchy eyes occasionally accompanied by discharge, depending on the cause

  • Redness and swelling of the eyelid

  • A cloudy appearance of the eye due to a build-up of proteins that can also be symptomatic of cataracts

  • Involuntary twitching of the eyelid

  • Squinting

  • Bulging eyes, a potential symptom of either hyperthyroidism or an autoimmune disorder called Grave’s disease

  • Drooping eyelids, potential signs of exhaustion, aging, migraines, or a more serious medical problem

Pain In And Around The Eye

Ocular pain, or pain within the eye, can result from a scratch or slight injury to the cornea or the presence of a foreign object in the eye. Orbital pain causes sharp and throbbing pains on the surface of the eye. Trauma to the eye or the surrounding facial areas may cause these pains. Make sure to visit your doctor if this pain is accompanied by vision loss, vomiting, fever, muscle aches, eye bulging, or difficulty moving your eye in certain directions.

Eye Disease Treatment

Eye disease treatments are divided into four main categories:

  • Medication

  • Surgery

  • Prescription glasses or contact lenses

  • Treatment of systemic conditions affecting the eye


To Our Patients

As part of our comprehensive eye exam, our exam includes:
- A state-of-the-art eye refraction system
- Digital mapping of the retina, which is an additional $39 for adults and $19 for children.

​​​​​​​If you have any questions, please email or call us.

Old Saybrook - 860-388-9300 | Rocky Hill - 860-258-2380